MathJax seems to work well. But if it does not look right, then you might need to refresh the page. Also, Javascript must be turned on. The only hiccup I have noticed is that the rendering is less good in Google Chrome for Windows than it is in other browsers.
Read beyond this point only if you want to learn more about some MathJax's additional features and what I did to tweak its installation into Blogger.
I began by adding some code to my Blogger template, so that Mathjax.js is loaded on each page.
<script type='text/x-mathjax-config'> MathJax.Hub.Config({
extensions: ["tex2jax.js"],
jax: ["input/TeX", "output/HTML-CSS"],
tex2jax: {
inlineMath: [ ['$','$'], ["\\(","\\)"] ],
displayMath: [ ['$$','$$'], ["\\[","\\]"] ],
processEscapes: true
"HTML-CSS": { availableFonts: ["TeX"] }
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
I have also changed the line-spacing to 150% so as to leave more room for subscripts and superscripts in-line. I did that by adding to my template
.post {
margin: 0 0 $(post.margin.bottom) 0;
.post * { line-height: 150%; }
If the maths it is not looking good for you then I suggest you clear your browser cache. I would be interested to know if anyone has trouble seeing the maths.
Another thing to try is to right click some maths and make sure that the rendering method is selected to be HTML-CSS
By right-click (or CMD right-click in OSX) you can also choose a setting to zoom-in the maths, or to see the LaTeX code that produced the maths.